The Loki Cult Site

Welcome to the infamous "Loki Cult"!

This is a page for the friends and followers of the most infamous of Norse gods, Loki. We've been compared to Satanists while Al, the original owner of this web site, was told that he was well known for his "infamous Loki cult" by one of our local enemies. We have taken the name with pride and made it our own.

Better to be infamous than unknown!

In actuality, Al made this page primarily to annoy those who objected to the entire notion of Lokeans in their midsts. He was a Lokean heathen, as are several other prominent heathens in western Washington (as well as in many other states and countries around the world...). For some reason, many who call themselves "Ásatrú" object to those who hold troth with all the Æsir, and Al enjoyed annoying them.

After a few years, Al had drifted away from Norse heathenry in favour of other things. Therefore, he transferred ownership of the "Loki Cult" site to Selvårv Stigårð. It was maintained mostly unaltered for several years, until its recent merger with the Shrine to Loki and the Paean in Progress to create...


Most of those who have contacted the "Loki Cult" have been Lokeans wishing to join. Since the original cult was, for the most part, a joke, this request has usually been diverted to the Loki Discussion List. Since the List is a collection of folks friendly to Loki who are happy to discuss all things related to that fiesty god, it has served the underlying reason behind most requests to join the cult.

However, with the merger of the three most prominent Loki sites into one, the "Loki Cult" has taken a new life for itself: the infamous "Loki Cult" is now open for membership, separate from the Loki Discussion List.

Quite simply, if you wish to be a Cultist, all you have to do is tell me. Send an email to with whatever contact information you wish to give, and I will add you to the list of "Loki Cultists".

Members of the "Loki Cult"

Al Billings (Grendel Grettisson) website
Selvårv Stigårð website email
Alice Karlsdóttir
John Kitleson
Alwin of White Stone hearth email
Fenris Ulfsson
Kelandris the Mad website email
Elizabeth Vongvisith email
Per Lokeman email
The Tatterdemalion website
Xenthos email
Abriel email
Daniel Garrett email
Daray email
little lightening bolt email
Ricky Fox website

...along with anyone else we've turned to the Dark Side of the Force...