Josh's Rant

Al only made a select version of Joshua Gordon's rant against us available. The full text of all of his vitrolic posts (made to alt.religion.asatru) would take up far too much room for their lack of content.

Here Josh says what he really thinks of us and our activities. Note: At the time Josh wrote this, the majority of the "Greater Seattle Teutonic community" were members of Barnstokker, or friends of the group, so we have no idea where he gets this from.

"He who deserves the name Grendel Grettison, (aka Al Billings) is a Clergyman in the Troth. Look up who Grendel is in Teutonic Mythology folks, this is the Teutonic name this idiot chose for himself! I make no bones about not liking the guy, for he is a liar and a manipulator, like the etin he worships, Loki. It is public knowledge in the Greater Seattle Teutonic community that Barnstokker Garth has evolved into a Loki Cult, and many Neo-Pagans are becoming aware of this also."

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