

Loki just has the worst reputation.

Not that he doesn't deserve some of it, but most of what is written about him is ridiculous. As a result, some Lokeans have written pieces simply to explain why they would involve themselves with such a god, and that Loki is not the god he is usually depicted to be:

Introductions to Loki by Selvårv Stigårð, a summary of what the lore actually says.

Loki, An Informational Outline by Lokadottir, originally prepared at the request of the editors of the Midgard Web Lorebook, to give basic information on the Clever One to the general reader.

Why Loki? by Lokadottir, because sometimes we choose our gods, and sometimes they choose us.

Loki, Father of Strife by Alice Karlsdottir, reprinted from the Gnosis article.

Top Ten Misconceptions by Selvårv Stigårð, reprinted and revised from the Idunna article.

Outside Opinion

(both friendly and not)

The Article on Loki from Encyclopedia Mythica.

The Loki Chapter from Our Troth, on The Troth website.

The Circle of Ostara view of Loki, on The Odinic Rite website.

An essay about Loki, at Luleå University's Swedish history website.

Loki Laufeyjarson from the Hliðskjálf website.


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