

The photographs above were taken in August 1999 at the temples of the sun and moon somewhere in Mexico I couldn't spell if a gun was pointed at my head, so I won't even try. I'm posting them even though they were criticised as looking too much like tourist postcards. I think they look fine, but then again, I'm something of a philistine when it comes to fine art.

I was informed that the names are actually a misnomer and a projection. The civiilisation which created these monuments was dead long before that Spaniard set foot in the Americas, slaughtering the natives and lusting after gold. So, I suppose we just fancied the names and they stuck. We don't really have a clue what they really meant, or were used for.

Wolfie has done some work which uses Nordic mythical tropes (and get your minds out of the gutter, it has nothing to do with that sort of "art"... well, perhaps the allusions in Fenris in bondage comes close, but that's as much as I'll say right now). Unfortunately, between teaching and studying for his MFA and MA, he hasn't had time to upload them. I'll be more than pleased when I can add them to the collection.

(The photographer, in situ)


(I posted the photo to embarass him into sending me more of his work.
When he does, I promised him that this will disappear.)

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