The Short Voluspa

Two Translations

Version 1: translation by Carolyne Larrington

'Eleven were the Aesir when all counted up,
Baldr had slumped against a death-hummock;
Vali was born to avenge this,
the death of his brother, he slew the killer;
[all these are you kin, Ottar the foolish.]

'Baldr's father was heir to Bur,
Freyr married Gerd, she was Gymir's daughter,
of the giant race, and Aurboda's;
though Thiaza was their kinsman,
the giant who loved to shoot, Skadi was his daughter.

'Much have we told you, we will tell you more,
it's important that you know it, do you want to know more?

'Haki was the best by far of the sons of Hvaedna,
and Hvaedna's father was Hiorvard,
Heid and Horse-theif were Hrimnir's children.

'All the seeresses are descended from Vidolf,
all the wizards from Vilmeid,
and the seid-practitioners from Svarthofdi,
all the giants come from Ymir.

'Much have we told you, we will tell you more,
it's important that you know it, do you want to know more?

'One was born in bygone days,
with enormous power of the sons of men;
then nine women gave birth to him, to the spear-magnificent man,
daughers of giants, at the edge of the earth.

'Much have we told you, we will tell you more,
it's important that you know it, do you want to know more?

'Gialp bore him, Greip bore him,
Eistla bore him and Eyrgiafa;
Ulfrun and Angeyja,
Imd and Atla and Iarnsaxa.

'He was empowered with the strength of the earth,
the cool waves of the sea, and sacrificial blood.

'Much have we told you, we will tell you more,
it's important that you know it, do you want to know more?

'Loki got the wolf on Angrboda,
and he got Sleipnir on Svadlifari;
one monster was thought the most baleful,
who was descended from Byleist's brother.

'Loki ate some of the heart, the thought-stone of a woman,
roasted on a linden-wood fire, he found it half-cooked;
Lopt was impregnated by a wicked woman,
from whom every ogress on earth is descended.

'The ocean stirs up storms against heaven itself,
washes over the land, and the air yields;
from there come snow and biting winds;
then it is decreed that the gods come to their end.

'One was born greater than all,
he was empowered with the strength of earth;
he is said to be the wealthiest of princes,
closely related to all the families.

'Then will come another, even mightier,
though I do not dare to name his name;
few can now see further than when
Odin has to meet the wolf.'

zoomorphic line

Version 2: translation by Lee M. Hollander

Eleven only
were down had drooped
Then Vali revenge
his brother's slayer

Was Baldr's father

Frey wedded Gerth,
of etin-kin,
Thewful Thjatsi
the skulking thurs;

I tell thee much,
thou needs must know this -

Of Hvethna's sons
But Hjorvarth was
Heith and Hrossthjof,

From Vitholf are
the trible of warlocks,
the soothsayers,
and all etins

I tell thee much,
thou needs must know this -

In days of yore
of sturdy strength,
at the edge of the earth
gave birth and suck

I tell thee much,
thou needs must know this -

Gjalp did bear him,
bore him Eistla
bore him Ulfrun
Imth and Atla,

He was nursed and grew
on the ice-cold sea

I tell thee much,
thou needs must know this -

Gat Loki the Wolf
and Sleipnir he bore
but of all ill wights
is Byleist's brother's

A half-burnt heart
It was a woman's -
with child he grew
Thence are on earth

The stormy sea
overwhelms the land -
Thence come great snows
Then are doomed to die

Was a mighty one born,
he was nursed and grew
most high-minded he
in sib with all sires

A god will come then,
I dare not speak
Father forward
than Othin fighting

the Aesir were
in death Baldr.
did vow for him:
he slew forthwith.

Bur's eldest son...

who was Gymir's daughter,
with Aurbotha.
to them was kin,
was Skathi his daughter.

yet more lore have I;
wilt know still more?

Haki was best,
Hvethna's father,
Hrimnir's kinsmen.

all witches sprung;
from Vilmeith all;
from Svarthofthi;
are of Ymir's kin.

yet more lore have I;
wilt know still more?

a youth was born,
of the stock of gods;
etin maids nine
to the brightest of gods.

yet more lore have I;
wilt know still more?

Greip did bear him,
and Eyrgjafa,
and Angeya,
and Jarnsaxa.

on the sap of the ground,
and the sacred boar's blood.

yet more lore have I;
wilt know still more?

with Angrbotha,
to Svathilfari;
most awful by far
baleful offspring.

which he had found -
ate wanton Loki;
from the guileful woman.
all ogres sprung.

to the stars is tossed,
the heavens rive.
and sweeping blasts.
the drooping gods.

matchless in strength,
on the sap of the ground;
'mongst the hallowed gods,
and sons of earth.

an e'en greater one:
his dreaded name.
few can see now
the Fenris-Wolf.

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