I would like to extend a most gracious and heartfelt word of thanks to Cathy Smith, who has been a tireless source of links for this page. Were it not for her efforts, Odin and the Norse mythology article by Tor Age Brinsvaerd and several of the story links (among them: Prophecy and A New Tale of Idunna) would not be here. I've thoroughly enjoyed her contributions, and hope you do as well.
Peter Michael's Trickster Pages The larger context. For a pop culture intro with lots of links (including this one), there's The Trickster.
"Loki Cult" Web Page The place where I learned I am not alone (for what THAT's worth). Brief, but brilliant in a twisted sort of way. Contains, among other things, a good poetic translation of Lokasenna.
Shrine to Loki A newish site with much promise, home to the first Loki discussion list (and currently the only such list of which I'm aware).
The title of the play is Odin by Tor Age Bringsvaerd, but this original work based very closely on Norse mythology is a delightful read, and has quite an extensive role for Loki. On the main page is a link to a very respectful introductory essay on Norse Mythology.
Loki in the Eddas by Johannes Persson. He deals with Loki in his roles as transgressor of boundaries, provider, and instigator of conflict, and not incidentally as the companions of the other major Gods, Odin and Thor. A very balanced viewpoint.
Loki - An Essay by Poul Martin Jensen. This is a translation by someone whose first language is not English. Occasionally unintelligible, but overall, an interesting read.
Loki's Temple In Russian, but English translations are now mercifully provided for the most part.
The Norse Classics Page contains most of the Elder and Prose Eddas, some Sagas, and explanatory material, although the site-keeper has become far too fond of Rydberg's fictions for my taste. It has (among other things) a translation of Loki's Flyting.
Skrymsli and the Peasant's Child A folkloric story of Loki in a beneficient aspect, and quite a charming tale, too (even if it is H.A. Guerber).
Loki's Story by Meyer Loptsson, an article from "Fjallabok." I'm not particularly in agreement with what he has to say, but it's encouraging to know he spent some time thinking about it.
The Many Faces of Loki by Rede Loptsson, another article from "Fjallabok." This one I have to own I disagree with in its particulars, but I offer you the chance to judge for yourself.
Prophecy by Donald Andrew Smith. Drawn primarily from Lokasenna and Voluspa, a short story about the feast where Loki insults all the gods, and his role in Balder's death is discovered.
The Lay of Loki's Children by Mark Binder. A quasi-poem which takes a look at the story from Loki's perspective. While it flags stylistically in places, there are also arresting thoughts and images such as: "There was no evil born into them/None but what was put there."
Sigyn Talks to her Husband A poem in a modern style by Laura Gjovaag, which takes Loki's wife as it's inspiration. The title of the page is "holding Ragnarok Away," but this is the only poem with a Lokean theme.
The Theft of Thor's Hammer is a prose(aic) rendition of Thrymskvida by "Mikal the Ram." Also by "Mikal Hrafspa," Loki's Song, now with a downloadable midi version.
A New Tale of Idunna, for Young and Old This is a cute children's tale about another attempt Loki makes to steal Idunn's apples. There's also a link to a play version of the story on the page.
What's a nice heathen site doing linking to a generally neo-pagan zine like Brigid's Hearth? When it contains an in-depth article about personal experiences with Sigyn by Raistlin and a poem to Loki, titled Trickster by Huntress. The third issue has a number of articles related to Northern mythology, although not all of them would be deemed 'Asatru' by strict reconstructionists.
The Death of Balder This would make a good children's story. It tells the a series of short tales concerning Balder's death and Loki's punishment. I'd say it was a children's story but since it's posted by a literacy agency (Saugeen), it was probably kept simple for people, of any age, learning to read.
Ginnungagap: Stories offers prose summaries of many of the Eddic myths. Occasional lapses in grammar, attributable to English being a second language for the author.
Loki's Lair Includes relatively tame prose versions of several myths.
Imaginary tour of Asgard. One of the "sights" (word-pictures) is the bound Loki.
Bricriu's Feast "The Celtic equivalent of Loki may be seen in the Irish Bricriu, whose nickname Nemthenga (Poison-Tongue) would fit Loki admirably. Like Loki he exulted in strife and seized on a feast as an excellent opportunity for this." -- H.R. Ellis Davidson
Storytelling is Just a Stone's Throw away from Lying. The first chapter, Ravens and Writing Desks, is the only thing extent, and tells one author's idea of the first meeting between Loki and Sigyn.
RuneQuest and Glorantha. Check under "Norse!" There's an entire organised (?!) "Loki cult."
Loki A contemporary short story with a Lokean inspiration.
The Midgard Pig A short story with a slightly vicious twist.
When Gods Die A contemporary short story on the Loki-freed-from-his bonds theme.
Woden and Loki, a chapter in The Stallion and the Dragons. A fictional story of Woden and Loki treated as "historical" characters instead of gods. The story is told in private between a bard and king who are descendents of Loki and Woden respectively.
Art by Tara-Kimberley Labus is up again on another server. Unfortunately, most of the Loki art seems to have been removed as of the last time I checked (1 June 2000). A few more Loki drawings can still be found at: this site.
A script by Neil Gaiman for an issue of Sandman Loki appears in. Of interest just to see how this writer works. I have to confess I've never seen the comic, after reading this, I'd like to read the bits which have to do with the Clever One.
The Ragnarok Agenda/Bubblegum Ragnarok A lengthy Ah! My Goddess/Iczer 2 fanfic. My only complaint is that it would be far easier to read if it were broken up into shorter sections on separate pages.
The Hammer by Herculena. Xena, Warrior Princess fanfic featuring Loki. Better than the episodes of Hercules which actually made it to tv. Granted, that's not saying much, but a back-handed compliment is better than no compliment at all.
Also by the same author: The Chakram, Part I. Another Loki/Xena crossover, which follows and improves on the original, in seven parts. Later chapters can be accessed by following links at the bottom of each page.
"Interview" with Loki Part of a site on the RPG Bureau 13.
Some truly annoying javascript errors that keep bothering the reader with pop-up boxes keeps me from recommending How the Bariaur Got Their Spirit from the Gods more highly. Apparently connected with some RPG [shows you how much I know, right?] the story was crafted by someone who bothered to do a little bit of work studying Norse Mythology, and some Eddic characters show up in cameos.
On a different note: loki's message has very little to do with Loki, but rather with the solipsistic author's incredible assumption that anyone would find his drug trips interesting. One would have to be on something to find it anything other than trite, boring, and badly written.
The Kirby Collector: "Real" Tales of Asgard An article on the history of Jack Kirby's Marvel Thor series. (He's the one who started the series.) The inclusion of Loki in the story line added life into the series. (Though he was added as a stereotypical comic villain.)
Another Marvel inspired bit: Loki: God of Mischoef. Included primarily for completeness' sake.
Beowulf Humour Scroll past the rather lame top 10 list to get to the good bits.
Gorm the Wired Viking A few broken links in the "Guide to the Gods" sections mars the recommendation slightly, but all in all, an amiable waste of time.
Not strictly heathen, but The Modern World's 12 January cartoon, which has G.W. "Shrub" Bush confessing a fondness for Odin, is wryly amusing.
Not strictly "Heathen" nor "Humour" the Old English Computer Glossary manages to be hilarious and (ahem) educational(?) at the same time.
And now, for the editorialising:
The Flame and the Fire by Elsa-Brita Titchenell of Masks of Odin infamy. Contains numerous minor errors even apart from its Theosophical perspective, but I've included it for the sake of completeness.
Again, for the sake of completeness alone: William Reaves' misguided essay, The Problem of Harbard. Reaves is a Rydberg fanatic dedicated to promulgating the premises of a romantic Victorian syncretist whose works have been justifiably ignored by serious modern scholars. As far as I've been able to discern, Rydberg is little more than the Teutonic equivalent of Iolo Morganwg or Ossian: all are historical curiosities which tell more about the mindset of the time in which they were written than their purported subject matter.
Like many other specious arguments, Reaves' seem to make sense at first glance, and fall apart on critical examination. In the particular article in question here, he is not intent on anything but Rydberg's erroneous thesis which equates Loki with Harbard. Even the title, a self-consciously clever allusion to Jan de Vries' "The Problem of Loki" points to Reaves' ideological agenda of painting the Clever One black in the best Judeo-Christian dualistic fashion.
There never was a unified pan-Heathen theology. Full stop. Anyone who says anything of the sort is either deluded or a liar.
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